News Update
The sale for the long-anticipated Mythic Legions: Legion Builder Reinforcements wave is set for tomorrow - Saturday, January 22nd starting at 11:00am EST. This sale will include all 7 of the figures in the wave, plus figure stands! Here is what you need to know about this sale:
- These figures will be IN STOCK. This is not a pre-order. Orders will begin processing shortly after the sale begins and shipments should start going out a week or so later. This will be a large number of items to ship out, so shipping will likely take a few weeks to complete.
- There will be a STRICT limit of 12 of any individual character, per household, for the first 24 hours of the sale. After that time, if anything remains, order limits will be lifted.
- Legion Builder figures will be $25 each while the Deluxe Barbarian set will be $55. There will be NO "All In" options.
- Multiple orders cannot be combined, nor can orders be added onto previously placed pre-orders.
- These figures will ONLY be offered at at this time! While Reinforcements may be offered to our retail partners in the future, those plans have not been decided and this shipment in particular is only at
- While we do have a large number of these figures for sale, quanties are limited to what is on hand, and items will sell out! Enter the battlefeld early to have the best chance at securing your Reinforcements.
That's it for now. Best of luck to all the Legionnaires preparing to wade into the thick of battle tomorrow. May fortune shine upon your face, and your armies grow this day!

Published on 01.21.22