News Update
This coming November is going to be a very busy month for Four Horsemen Studios. Not only are they in the midst of celebrating their 20 year anniversary as a company, but they’re also going to be appearing at the ToyConNJ and DesignerCon conventions and giving Mythic Legions fans the opportunity to purchase two of the characters from the upcoming Mythic Legions: Wasteland wave well before the pre-orders for these figures have shipped out!
Those who have pre-ordered them are guaranteed to get their Mythic Legions: Wasteland figures shipped directly to them after they arrive in our warehouse, but if you’re the daring type who’s ready to trudge through waves of rabid hordes of other fans of nerd culture… willing to lay down the shiniest of your gold coins to the Charon-like guard in order to cross the threshold into the event… able to traverse the slow and arduous journey through the catacombs of geekdom along with other Mythic Legions fanatics… then it’s possible that you might arrive at the gates of Mythoss early enough to be able to procure the ultra limited and elusive treasure before the ravenous beasts that arrive before you snatch them all up. If you find the thrill of the risk to be worth the satisfaction of the reward, then by all means, join us at ToyConNJ and at DesignerCon in November! More info on each event as the events get closer.
ToyConNJ: Torgun Redfin (Mythic Legions: Wasteland) debut figure – $40 each, cash only – November 9th & 10th – Parsippany, NJ –
DesignerCon: Thumpp (Mythic Legions: Wasteland) debut figure – $40 each, cash only – November 22nd through 24th – Anaheim, CA –

Published on 09.10.19