News Update
A while back, or factory was producing the exclusive Sword Horsemen figures for us that sported the Four Horsemen horse head logo as the main focal point. Unfortunately the factory mistakenly painted a BUNCH of those swords an unattractive red brick kind of color instead of the stunning metallic copper that it was meant to be, and they and sent us those instead... Yeah... Needless to say, we were less than impressed.
The factory did eventually get it right and the beautiful Sword Horsemen arrived in all of it's incredible coppery glory, BUT we still had lots of those previously sent ugly ducklings, which we've been referring to as Sword Horse-meh, and we weren't exactly sure what to do with them.
Well, this weekend you might get the chance to take one of these poor little disgusting, poop colored guys home with you. All you have to do is come to Zolocon 2020, and be one of the first 100 people to purchase one of our Mythic Legions action figures that we'll have for sale at the show, and we'll hand you over a hideously revolting Sword Horse-meh of your very own FOR FREE!!
For all of the Zolocon details, just go to
We just noticed that that stupid sword just flopped itself all over our cool Zolocon image... Somebody come get these rude little things!

Published on 02.05.20