News Update
Attending live events and cons has become an important aspect of the Legions community. At Four Horsemen Studios, we love being able to get out to meet fans in person and spend some time talking toys! It is therefore with great excitement that we announce the start of our 2023 event schedule!
All of our currently booked events (as well as a few still waiting for date confirmations) are now listed on our “Events” page. Some things to note:
- We will be returning to many of the local shows we have been doing for years, including ToyConNJ (dates TBD) and Zolocon (which is our first event in 2023 – on Feb 25-26)
- In addition to shows with a larger studio team and lots of product, we will also continue to do some smaller shows. These include two shows we attended last year, Shop the Curiosity in CT on May 6 and ChrisCon in MA on July 30.
- We will also be doing some shows for the first time ever this year, including Muskecon in MI on March 11 and ToyLanta in Atlanta, GA on March 24-26! We have received a number of requests to head further South, and ToyLanta will be quite a trek for our studio team, but we are very excited to attend and exhibit at this event for the first time!
- Of course, our two flagship events remain on our calendar, including Power-Con in Columbus, OH on August 11-13 and the culmination of our yearly schedule with the epic celebration of all things Legions at LegionsCon 2023 in November! As always, LegionsCon will be held in New Jersey as part of our “Mythic Weekend” festivities, pairing it with an Intern for a Day experience and next year’s G-con broadcast! Dates and locations on this event to be revealed soon!
At both of these flagship events you can expect a large studio presence, Legions displays and surprises, tons of toys for sale, event figures, and much more!
While these listed events already make for an incredible 2023 schedule, we are not done yet! We expect to continue our “Legionnaire-Led” street teams events next year, and we are also looking into a West Coast appearance since it has been a few years since we’ve made it out there.
Going forward beyond 2023, our goal will be to continue to hit new markets and shows. Trust us, we’d love to honor every request and hit every city out there, but doing what we do at our local NJ shows in areas where we cannot easily drive the team and the product to is a major challenge. Still, while many of our appearances will remain close to home, you will see us at other locations and in new cities as the Legions lines, and our fan community, continues to grow!
You can always see our full list of events at
Speaking of events – we will be attending our final show of 2022 this coming Saturday for the Black Forest Krampusnacht in Jim Thorpe, PA! This will be a “Figura Obscura” show only, with figures, apparel, pins, mugs, greeting cards, and more for sale.

Published on 11.28.22