Cosmic Legions Traders Union of the 5 Circles of Cosmerrium

The Affiliations of Cosmerrium - T.U.5.C.C.

As the tales from Cosmerrium have begun to unfold, one thing that has become evident is the Universe-wide presence of the Traders Union of the 5 Circles of Cosmerrium, more commonly referred to as the T.U.5.C.C. This alliance of private firms seems to have their hands in nearly every sector of trade across the 5 rings, offering goods that range from mundane, everyday staples like food and agricultural products to more unusual selections like the sale of exotic wildlife. The company also has substantial investments in the production and distribution of biomedical compounds as well as technical components that can be found in everything from weaponry, to star-vessels, to personal cybernetics. If there is business to be done, there is a good chance that the Traders Union has some kind of interest in those spheres.

While the T.U.5.C.C. has a fairly ubiquitous presence across the 5 Rings of Cosmerrium, and nearly every denizen of the Universe has some kind of dealings with an affiliate of this organization, the exact makeup of their leadership and operational structure remains a mystery to all but the highest placed executives within the Union. The company itself is comprised of various firms that have joined the larger organization, some willingly and others through less-than-friendly acquisitions. Most of these companies maintain their individual operations with part of their incomes tithed to the Union. A large, clandestine leadership command unites the individual companies with a powerful Board overseeing operations and making organization-wide decisions. Beyond this executive board, there have long been rumors of a secret Triumvirate who actually make the most important decisions from the shadows, pulling the strings of the organization in ways known only to them. These claims have never been proven, but there is no arguing the overall influence and power that the Traders Union holds within the Universe of Cosmerrium.

To help keep the operations of such a large organization moving, the T.U.5.C.C. employs a vast workforce of individuals across the 5 Rings. Some of the roles within this organization include those detailed below.


Utilized as perimeter guards at the Traders Union’s many facilities, T.U.5.C.C. Sentries are armed with long-range rifles which allow them to eliminate threats from a distance. In the unlikely instance where an intruder would be able to evade this long-range fire, all Sentries are also trained in lethal close-quarters combat, ensuring that no enemies will breach their defenses or escape their patrols.

  • T.U.5.C.C. soliderse
  • T.U.5.C.C. soliderse
  • T.U.5.C.C. soliderse

Science Officers

Valuable members of the Traders Union’s ranks of employees, Science Officers can be found at various T.U.5.C.C. facilities where research and developmental lab work is required.

While Science Officers do possess a fundamental knowledge of science and medicine so that they can assist in the day-to-day operations of the T.U.5.C.C. labs, their primary role is to protect the scientists, doctors, and lab technicians who lead the various programs at those facilities.

While most of the science programs run by the Traders Union’s teams are matters of public record, there are also numerous secret facilities and experiments being conducted “off book” for a variety of reasons. One of the most notorious of these secret experiments was a genetic manipulation program that was conducted at Facility D-8-G0:1. Meant to produce a new breed of shock troops loyal to the Traders Union, protocols in genetic splicing were ignored and the resulting specimens escaped the labs, destroying the facility in the process and killing a number of Science Officers assigned to that location.

  • T.U.5.C.C. soliderse
  • T.U.5.C.C. soliderse
  • T.U.5.C.C. soliderse


One of the most versatile roles within the Traders Union, Engineers are tasked with maintaining various systems within the facilities they are assigned to. As such, T.U.5.C.C. Engineers can be found at every Traders Union complex in numbers reflective of the size and operational scale of that facility.

Like most Traders Union personnel, Engineers are also trained in combat techniques, allowing them to play secondary roles as security within their facilities.

  • T.U.5.C.C. soliderse
  • T.U.5.C.C. soliderse
  • T.U.5.C.C. soliderse

Security Personnel

While most Traders Union employees provide security as a secondary part of their duties, the organization also employs a number of specialists to lead the security efforts across their various enterprises.

Having been named the primary provider of “Correctional Services” in Cosmerrium, the Traders Union now runs approximately 85% of all prisons across the 5 Rings, including the notorious Hvalkatar facility in Exxos. Many of the company’s security staff are stationed at these various prisons where they control the inmate population with their heavy-armored shields and electro-batons. The infamous Gravekeepers of Hvalkatar are one example of T.U.5.C.C. Security Personnel.

T.U.5.C.C. Gravekeepers

Another example of a T.U.5.C.C. security expert, albeit one that has since moved on from their role within the Traders Union, is Ph’shr Ryyce, founder of the The Shadow Circle. A private enterprise offering security services as well as rescue missions, items acquisitions and retrievals, and more, word has it that the Traders Union was unhappy with the resignation of their former Security Chief and the establishment of his new endeavor. The Union has been working behind the scenes to wrestle control of the “Adventure Squadron” from its founder.

Shadow Circle


T.U.5.C.C. Pilots are among the top of the hierarchy of soldiers employed by the Traders Union, having undergone years of training in order to climb to this lofty rank within the organization.

T.U.5.C.C. Pilots handle all of the transportation needs for the Union. Low-ranking Pilots are often found on vessels bringing T.U.5.C.C.-produced items to various ports across the 5 Rings. Mid-ranking Pilots are typically tasked with transport of more sensitive cargo or even troop transport. The highest-ranking Pilots are commonly known as the “Red Jets” for the brilliant red armor that they wear. The Red Jets are the fighters of the T.U.5.C.C. Pilot Corps. They are often the brashest and most arrogant members of this group, but their experience and skill gives them the credibility they need to back up their attitude.

While T.U.5.C.C Pilots enjoy some of the best perks within the organization, the dangers and stress of their jobs often lead to very short employment stints for these workers.

T.U.5.C.C. Pilots

Military Troops

Officially sanctioned for “the security of the alliance and protection of its assets and interests”, it is a widely-known fact that the T.U.5.C.C.’s forces are just as often used for intimidation of rival organizations and acquisition of new territories as they are utilized in the protection of existing arrangements. Many in Cosmerrium, including a number of the Traders Union’s competitors, have argued that the organization should not be allowed to employ military personnel, but so far the powers-that-be in Z’tratos have lent a deaf ear to those complaints.

One of the most feared units in the T.U.5.C.C.’s forces are the Heavy Gunners. Outfitted in heavily reinforced armor and wielding large pulse blasters whose destructive capacity rivals even the weapons of the Phaerrox, these soldiers are often sent into a territory in order to “quell resistance to the fruitful progression of commerce.” One example of this is the assault on IISH:C3 and the forced takeover of the Triangle Corporation after Heavy Gunners were sent in to help jumpstart stalled negotiations between the small company and the Traders Union.

T.U.5.C.C. Heavy Gunner


One of the less prominent, yet certainly very important, roles within the Traders Union is that of the Empiricists. Employed as investigators, these T.U.5.C.C employees are assigned to teams of two that are sent into the Universe on various missions for the Traders Union’s command.

Empiricists are required to be skilled in a variety of disciplines since it is unknown what challenges they will face on their excursions. They are also outfitted with the latest T.U.5.C.C technologies and equipment and report exclusively to the Traders Union leadership board.

Hylor Cryn

Outside Contractors

While the bulk of the Traders Union’s workforce are directly employed by the organization, the various companies of the T.U.5.C.C also engage with outside contractors from time to time. These contractors include hired muscle, prison personnel, and workers who handle various tasks often deemed too insignificant or too dangerous for other members of the organization.

More T.U.5.C.C.

While the soldiers of the Traders Union have had a large presence in the makup of Cosmic Legions so far, we have only seen a small number of the workers and soldiers who are employed by this organization. As the story of Cosmic Legions unfolds, you can expect to see more of the T.U.5.C.C. and learn more about the plans that this company's command has for their place in the Universe of Cosmerrium.

T.U.5.C.C. Soldiers

Published on 08.21.24

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