Our work with Super7 continues to allow us to be a part of creating some incredibly cool new toys as part of their ULTIMATES! line. This time we are look at the latest wave of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles figures – Wave 5 of this popular series to be exact!

The lineup for this wave once again combines key characters alongside some lesser known ones, all influenced by the original toy line for this property. Wave 5 consists of Sewer Samurai Leonardo, Ray Fillet, Leatherhead, and Krang! You can see promotional photos of all these characters below.
We’ve said it a number of times before, both in interviews and in articles we’ve posted here on the site, but we love and appreciate the chance to work on these lines with Super7. Properties we love based on toys we played with and collected in a dream gig for the studio, and we look forward to seeing Super7 unveil more of these projects to fans in the future!
TMNT ULTIMATES! Wave 5 is available for pre-order now from Super7.
Published on 05.11.21