Known as much for their precision and intellect as for the brutal efficiency with which they carry out their missions and dispatch their enemies, the Fury Clan are amongst the most feared warriors in all of Mythoss…and then there is the Furious Four.
In this “Figure in Focus” article we will take a look at a set of characters which made their debut at LegionsCon 2022 - the aforementioned Furious Four!

Editors note: this article includes references to the My Wife is Going to Kill Me Podcast, longtime fans and supporters of our studio. While we love those knuckleheads dearly, it should be clearly noted that this show and their brand of humor is decidedly adult and those who are easily offended should avoid listening.
Lord Steven also co-hosts LegionsCast, a Legions-focused podcast along with Len LaGuardia and a rotating series of cohosts and guests. That show, and the article below, is safe for fans of all ages! You can find episodes of LegionsCast here.
Creating the Four
Somewhat appropriately, it was during an interview on the MWIGTKM show that Four Horsemen Studios co-founder and co-owner, Cornboy, made the comment that “the Fury Clan is not restricted to just Orcs.” That single statement got Legions fans and customizers imagining the possibilities of how the other races of Mythoss would look as members of the red-skinned Fury Clan!
It was this exact comment that Jeremy Girard, our Director of Sales and Marketing and co-founder of the annual LegionsCon event, had in mind as he was driving home from LegionsCon 2021. That year’s event had been an incredible success, and plans were already underway to make the 2022 edition a full 2-day experience, complete with a pair of show version figures to be offered! We had already begun discussing an idea to make a 2-pack of figures with parts used that were different on each figure in the set, but which were completely compatible color-wise. This would encourage fans to pop-and-swap the parts in the set in order to come up with the looks that they most preferred for the characters.
Thinking back to Cornboy’s comments about the diversity within the Fury Clan, the idea of the different races of Mythoss being represented as Fury Clan members in this set took shape during that early morning drive. It could be two different figures, each with an extra head that would allow for 4 unique characters to be made. As luck would have it, Jeremy just happened to be listening to the My Wife is Going to Kill Me Podcast during that drive home, and everything seemed to come together so perfectly in that moment. It would be a 2-pack of figures representing 4 different characters, and each one would be a tribute to one of the hosts of the podcast crew!
Steven is the main host of the podcast, so he would be the leader – a “true warrior”. His character would be Lord Bushotee the Alpha! He would get the Mercurian helmet (this was admittedly also a way to get that awesome head back into the line on a new figure and in a new color) and he would be presented as the first member of this motley crew.
Next there was Travis, who loves skeletons almost as much as he loves taking a dip in his hottub. His bio basically wrote itself, and since many of the skeletons of Mythoss use names based on certain bones in the body, the moniker for this character was a no-brainer – Pelvicus!
These first two figures would share a body build, so for the next character a whole new body with new parts was planned out. The first head on this one would be the minotaur, because this would be a tribute to Pete, the loudest, most outspoken, and most protective member of the group! Peteorionn would be the group’s enforcer – a force of nature breaking funny-bones wherever he goes!
Finally there was Jeremy Dewitt, the latest edition to the MWIGTKM team and someone who was just happy to be included. He had been somewhat surprised by the celebrity-like reaction he received at LegionsCon 2021, so the idea of him being the most passive member of the Furious Four was perfect (it was also a nice contrast to the hot-headed Peteorionn!). The head used obviously needed a beard to represent Jeremy’s luxurious facial hair, and it made sense to include at least one orc in the set, so the head originally offered on Vorthogg was chosen and Uuwwit the herbologist orc was born!
Rounding out the set would be a Jaguallian head and tail that would only be included in the show edition of the release. Initially the inclusion of these parts was simply to get some cool Fury Clan Jaguallian parts made, but in time this addition came to be the perfect choice to represent the fifth member of this little gang – the show’s producer Cody and the Furious Fifth member known as Codykat!
Mock Ups and Paint Samples
Almost as soon as he got home from LegionsCon, Jeremy put together some rough “mockups” of the figure ideas he came up with on his drive, along with names and bios for the four characters. The studio loved the idea, along with the chance to recognize these four and thank them for their support over the years. The Furious Four was born.
Below you can see those initial figure mockups that were sent for approval. From these design sheets, the parts for the figures were pulled and painting began. One fun note here is that the Peteorionn figure initially had the "skull" pauldrons from the Deluxe Legion Builders Gladiator, and he did not include the large neck collar. These were changes made between this early design stage and the final figures that would be presented!
A huge fan of the Fury Clan himself, and someone who has painted his share of Fury Clan customs over the years, Joe Vasapollo was selected to paint these prototype figures. Below are some of the “in progress” shots he sent to Jeremy to tease him along the way.
Revealing the Furious Four
During the build up to LegionsCon 2022, we knew that the reveal of the show version figures would be an exciting and fun event! For the reveal of the Furious Four, we wanted to surprise the gang from MWIGTKM and get their reactions live on the air! Jeremy convinced them to join him one morning for a livestream that he told them was a simple promo for LegionsCon 2022. During that broadcast, the figures were revealed – they even had Travis read the bios! Lots of laughs ensued, and the gang actually thought it was a joke at first! They really didn’t believe that they had been immortalized for all time as members of the Realm of Mythoss. You can watch the video reveal below (note – this video is safe for all ages):
Let’s Meet the Team
The photo below shows the full team together, including the “fifth” member of the gang which uses the show exclusive Jaguallian head and tail. From left to right we have Codykat, Lord Bushotee the Alpha, Peteorionn, Pelvicus, and Uuwitt.

The bios for these characters, which are presented below, are almost as cool and fun as the figures themselves:
The leader of Furious Four, Lord Bushotee the Alpha is a true warrior. Those who serve under his command look up to him with admiration and respect, for there is no challenge he will not meet nor foe he will not defeat. Without Lord Bushotee, there would be no Furious Four.
The enforcer of the group, Peteorionn is a force of nature. His presence is immediately felt as soon as he steps a hoof onto the battlefield. If you somehow do not notice him, he will make sure you do not make that mistake again with his booming and boisterous voice. Peteorionn’s one fear is fire, and he will do all he can to extinguish any flame he comes in contact with.
Pelvicus was once counted amongst the blood magic powered skeletons of the Congregation of Necronominus. He was eventually expelled from that order for misreading magical texts one too many times, but he has since found his place amongst the Furious Four. Pelvicus retains his powers by regularly stripping down to his bare bones and bathing in a mystical cauldron that recharges his magic.
An herbologist with a mastery of exotic and powerful flora, the orc known as Uuwitt prefers to leave the physical combat to the other members of the Furious Four. Instead, Uuwitt has been known to use his skills with herblore to incapacitate his foes. Over the years, direct exposure to such potent plant life has had an effect on Uuwitt’s senses, which is another reason he tends to shy away from direct combat.
The next bio, for Codykat, was “unofficially” released by Jeremy after the set was out – but since it is being presented here, I guess that makes this part of the official lore now!
One of the most elusive members of the Fury Clan, the Jaguallian named Codykat was recruited by the Furious Four to help them spread their message and entice like-minded warriors to their side. Unfortunately for the Furious Four, Codykat has proven to be somewhat unreliable, and they never know if he will show up to a battle as expected or if he will be mysteriously absent when he is needed. The Furious Four have considered replacing Codykat, but he has shrewdly neglected to explain to Lord Bushotee and the other members of the Four how he does what he does, thereby protecting his position within their ranks.
The Merchandising Juggernaut that is the Furious Four
LegionsCon 2022 was an amazing success, and the Furious Four were seemingly everywhere at that event! In addition to the exclusive figures themselves – a set which fans began tearing open immediately so they could start to pop-and-swap the parts and build their own Furious Four, the show also featured other merchandise emblazoned with these characters. T-shirts, prints, and pins featuring the art of Four Horsemen Studios’ Illustrator, Nate Baertsch were in big demand at the show! You can see the character art Nate did for this set, which was featured on the show packaging and seemingly everywhere else at the event, below!

Additionally, the MWIGTKM crew had some very special shirts of their own made, featuring a Furious Four logo designed by Nate as well! You can see that logo below.

Furious Four Standard Editions
Since the very beginning of the Mythic Legions line, we have been careful to avoid doing true “exclusives”. While LegionsCon does feature show version figures as part of the experience for fans who choose to join us for that weekend of friends and fun, we also know that not everyone can make the show. In the end, we want to make sure that these characters are available to all fans who want them. We did this for the 2021 Sir Girard LegionsCon figure, and we are doing it again for the 2022 Furious Four and Unknown One figures! The “standard” versions of those characters will be available for sale on Saturday, 02/18/23 starting at 12pm EST on These are IN STOCK items, which means that they are limited to what we have on hand, and they will begin shipping to fans shortly after the sale is over!
For the standard versions of the Furious Four, they will be presented as single figures in normal figure packaging, not as a 2-pack set. There are actually 2 different single figures available. The Pelvicus/Lord Bushotee figure comes with the parts to make those characters (one body in each package, with both heads included), while the Uuwitt/Peteorinn figure includes the parts for those characters. As a fun presentation variation for these releases, we made it a point to package them with different heads than what the characters have in the 2-pack version. Meaning if you have one of the LegionsCon 2-packs and these two singles, you can line them all up to make the Furious Four! The image below shows this layout!

Ready to Pop and Swap
As stated at the start of this article, the idea behind the design of the Furious Four figures was not only to honor some longtime friends of the studio, but to give fans some figures perfectly suited to mixing and matching parts, both within those releases themselves and with other figures in the line! Jeremy and Joe even did a “Mythic Conversations” episode where they pulled apart the factory paint samples of these figures and showcased a number of ways those parts could be used with other Legions figures! You can see that video here – MYTHIC CONVERSATIONS: EPISODE 92
What combinations will YOU come up with as you build out your Fury Clan! Share your creations on social media and tag Four Horsemen Studios so we can see those furious figures in action!

Published on 02.16.23