If you attended LegionsCon 2019 in New Jersey, or if you saw pictures from this event, you undoubtedly saw the absolutely amazing and massive diorama made by JD Brosius and Chandra Cooper, aka Shelf Gravy.
Pictures truly do not do this thing justice. Seeing it in person is absolutely incredible. There is just so much attention to detail and so much to see – and to think that this isn’t even complete yet! For this “Featured Fan” article, we decided to connect with JD and Chandra to learn more about this incredible creation, their diorama and custom work, and their love of Mythic Legions!
First off, introduce yourselves!
JD: Geetings and salutations, meatbags! I am a creative homosapien unit called JD.
Chan: Hi!! I’m Chan! Just Chan!
How did you first get introduced to Mythic Legions?
Chan: Four Horsemen table at ToyconNJ, back in April of 2018.
JD: Coliseum wave to be exact.
Chan: Yes, we found them together!
What made you decide to start building dioramas for Mythic Legions, and did you immediately know you wanted to create this massive piece?
Chan: During the following days after buying our first wave of figures, we had some conversations about building a giant play-gaming castle.
JD: Yeah, we were in and out of a local tabletop gaming store. We had the idea to build something in the same vein as 40K or D&D. Just in a much larger scale.
Tell us a little about your process for creating the dioramas.
JD: For the “Mythic” dios, I start with cutting and glueing the structures together, installing all of the magnets, then passing the pieces along to her.
Chan: Then, I use an X-acto knife and start laying out the stonework, varying in sizes and shapes. Once all the shaping and sculpting of the stonework is done, we then lay on the base coats and start painting.
What else do you have planned for the big dio - which we hope to see on display again at LegionsCon next year!
Chan: More layers!!! We want to bring the diorama up 2-3 more layers.
JD: Yeah, so, for anyone that hasn’t seen this monstrosity, we have the “underground” layer about done. And we have a pretty good plan for the “ground level” and at least one more layer on top of that.
Chan: But we don’t want to give too much away. Everyone will just have to wait and see!!!
What would fans of your work be surprised to learn about your art?
Chan: Hmmmmm...maybe the fact that I’m pretty new at this. This is essentially my first diorama. I have been learning as I go. Haha!
JD: Well, I’m sort of in the same boat. I’ve only been building dioramas for approximately 3 years now. I am also a big Star Wars fan, so the first diorama that I built was a Jabba’s throne room/trophy room.
Besides the dioramas, I know you also have been working on other creation, like soft goods. Tell us a little about those.
Chan: Capes, cloaks, wraps, etc. I’ve been working on perfecting designs for them to fit Mythic Legions and other 1:12 scaled figures. Trying to keep them wired and functional with the Legion’s armor.
JD: Aside from dioramas, I also make props to go with the dios, as well as custom action figures. Again, I am a sucker for Star Wars. So, I’ve start making figures that Hasbro has not made and will probably never make. With the “never going to make it” in mind, I’ve also started making my own 1:12 scaled G.I. Joe figures.
Which Mythic Legions figures are your favorites to date?
Chan: Top 3. Juno. Thistlethorn. And Gryshaa! Ooooo! Faunus! Myria!! And who doesn’t love the Forest Troll!!!
JD: Oh boy...tough question...okay. Mine would be.....the Blood Armor, any and all skeletons, any trolls, Ahzar and Zahzar, Faunus, Raygor, and Snagg. And throw the Elf Ranger in there for good measure. Hahah!!
Where can fans of your work see more or maybe purchase some of your pieces for themselves?
Chan: You can find us at ShelfGravy on Instagram and Facebook!
JD: You can also email us at shelfgravy@gmail.com. Keep an eye out on our social media for some new displays and extras!!!
Take a Video Tour of the Diorama
In addition to the pictures included here in this article, you can also see a wonderful video tour of the diorama from LegionsCon courtesy of Mike Kincaid.
Published on 01.07.20