Introduce yourself and let readers know where they can see your work.
Hello! My name is Patrick Boyle. I live just outside Philadelphia Pa with my wife and doggies. When I’m not nose deep in a book or playing video games (mostly RPG's), I am customizing. I also have the honor of being a product tester for 3D-printing companies Wolf King Customs and The Toyforge.
You can see my work in the Mythic Legions Cabal Facebook group and occasionally on Instagram @Pboyle2112
How long have you been customizing action figures?
Technically only about a year and a half, but I tried (rather poorly) in the past. In the early 90's I tried painting pewter D&D miniatures with not much success. In the early 2000's I attempted again with Toy Biz Lord of the Rings figures by painting a Gandalf brown to do a Radagast. He came out rather flat and boring and I figured that painting just wasn't for me. Fast forward to Mythic Legions and after seeing so many wonderful customs done between 2016-2018 I decided that I would try again and it turns out I don't completely suck at it.
What got you into Mythic Legions?
On a whim I decided to check out Toyfair articles on the Toyark.com (this was odd for me as I hadn't collected anything in years) and saw the article about a Kickstarter line of skeletons, knights and dwarves called Mythic Legions and Instantly fell in love with Tibius and Thord.
Do you have what you would call a signature custom, or any favorite customs you have done?
If I had to pick favourites it would be my Tall Tales, Nursery Rhyme, and D&D series'. Particularly the dwarf thief I did of my mom's D&D character and my rendition of Johnny Appleseed.
What are your favorite kinds of Mythic Legions customs to do?
I have found that I really enjoy reimagining favorite fictional characters to fit within the world of Mythic Legions, particularly as animorphs. I also really enjoy painting wooden style accessories (staffs, spears, swords, bows)
Do you have any “wish list” character types or races that you would like to see from Mythic Legions, and which you would love to be able to work with as a customizer?
I think lizard and snake characters would be a cool addition to Mythic Legions. The new parts (heads, necks, tails and feet) can give myself and other customizers a slew of color options.
What kinds of tools do you use your customs work, including paints and brushes?
I use mostly Vallejo and Citadel paints. Occasionally I will use Folkart color shift and metallic paints as well.
I am too picky with brushes but I have found that small better quality work best for me. I would also be lost without toothpicks. Mythic Legions have so many tiny details that make their use a must for me.
What would people be surprised to learn about your customizing or collecting hobby?
I gave up collecting action figures around 2005 and sold most of them at yard sales. Only keeping a handful of Marvel Legends and a near complete Lord of the Rings collection. It wasn't until I got my first Mythic Legions in hand that I got the toy collecting bug again.
During my early collecting faze I garnered a ton of fodder from broken figures and vintage toys that even though I didn't customize I kept thinking maybe someday I will use it. Some of those pieces have come in handy in the past year!
Any tips or suggestions for Mythic fans looking to start customizing?
Start small, do what speaks to you not what you think others will like, heads are hard and I recommend practicing by getting spare head sculpts to practice on whether they are painted already or not.
I always remember this quote from one of my favorite artists and I let my imagination run wild.
"No purer artist exists or has ever existed than a person freed to imagine." - Steven Erickson.
Final question - who is your favorite non-customized Mythic Legions figure?
Tibius, he was my love at first site figure and has yet to be dethroned, though Gryshaa has come close to unseating him.
Published on 03.02.21