Introduce yourself and let readers know where they can see your work.
Hello fellow Mythic fans, my name is Jovanny Blyden. I reside in Tampa Florida with my lovely family. Currently all my Mythic Legion customs are exclusive to the Cabal as of now.
How long have you been customizing action figures?
I've been a collector for most of my life. I've always lived to draw and paint and have always been a big fan of art. However, I really dove into customizing figures around three years ago.
What got you into Mythic Legions?
Well, I came across a couple of Mythic legion figures while watching YouTube. I must say, my interest was peaked immediately. Ultimately buying them and getting them in hand sealed the deal.
Do you have what you would call a signature custom, or any favorite customs you have done?
I don't necessarily have a signature or favorite custom, but if I had to choose, I'd choose all of them.. lol.. I say that because, for some strange reason, each time I finish a custom it becomes my new favorite.

What are your favorite kinds of Mythic Legions customs to do?
Again, I would have to name them all. Each Mythic Legion figure had its own unique feel to me. The minute u look at any of them my mind is flooded with ideas.
Do you have any “wish list” character types or races that you would like to see from Mythic Legions, and which you would love to be able to work with as a customizer?
I could sit here and write a whole list of figures, but to keep it simple, I world love to see more angels, tribal, and Egyptian characters. That would be pretty awesome as a customizer. I would the opportunity to work with them all.
What kinds of tools do you use your customs work, including paints and brushes?
As far as tools are concerned, I pretty much use everything at my disposal. From Citadel to Vallejo, and even Walmart paint at times. I work with different brands of brushes. Nothing in particular but whatever works to help create the vision.
What would people be surprised to learn about your customizing or collecting hobby?
I think people would be surprised to learn that a lot of my inspiring comes other artists, customizers and people around me in general.
Any tips or suggestions for Mythic fans looking to start customizing?
If I could say anything to anyone aspiring to be a customizer, the most important thing I would say is "have fun with it". Be yourself and allow your creative juices to flow.
Final question - who is your favorite non-customized Mythic Legions figure?
Wow! Now where really getting deep. There are so many awesome figures I could name, but in the end, I have to roll with Kkurzog.
Published on 12.28.21