Introduce yourself and let readers know where they can see your work.
Hey, I’m Eric! I live on a farm in Southwest Ohio with my wife and two kids, and I’ve been an avid toy collector and aspiring artist my whole life. My passion for toys has always come from an appreciation for the artistry and engineering of toy making. My work can best be seen on my Instagram account, @em_customparts, and of course on the Mythic Legions Cabal Facebook group.
How long have you been customizing action figures?
I’ve been kitbashing toys since I was a kid, but I really started customizing around 2008 or so. I was mostly trying to simply fill gaps in my Marvel Legends and DC Universe Classics displays, so I never really pushed myself to be better or to make anything to my full potential. Mythic Legions is the line that got me to get more serious about customizing, so I’d say I’ve really only been “customizing with purpose” for about three years or so.
What got you into Mythic Legions?
I’ve followed the Horsemen for quite a while now. The Gothitropolis Scarabus line was originally what caught my attention. I don’t remember where I first saw them, but I remember going to their website and ordering three Scarabus figures and falling in love immediately. I quickly ordered more, as well as some Seventh Kingdom figures they had on sale. It was all over for me from there. I became a full-on fanatic due to the incredibly unique and creative character designs and the amazing level of quality in the figures, so it only made sense to buy everything they released after that (and also to backtrack and get everything up to that point.)
Do you have what you would call a signature custom, or any favorite customs you have done?
While I feel like I put everything I’ve got into every piece and am constantly striving to improve, I’d be lying if I said most people don’t find me from my Mythic Legions TMNT Orc tributes from a few years ago. My personal favorite customs that I’ve done, though, are probably my tribute to the Firey characters from my favorite movie, Labyrinth, and Zippitus, my tribute to Zippy the Pinhead, who was the unofficial mascot of the Ramones.
What are your favorite kinds of Mythic Legions customs to do?
I definitely have a passion for making tribute figures. I love taking existing characters and figuring out how to incorporate character-specific design elements into the style of Mythic Legions. It’s exciting for me, because creating the figure becomes a challenge - like a puzzle to be solved. Beyond that, my favorite types of characters are usually the monsters, like the demons, and even characters like Faunus. You don’t have to follow the same rules with a monster that you do with humans, so it makes the process of creating so much more fun!
Do you have any “wish list” character types or races that you would like to see from Mythic Legions, and which you would love to be able to work with as a customizer?
There’s always room for more monsters! From a customizing standpoint, I’d love to see more bare parts, like bare forearms and shins. Honestly, I love the variety within the line, and while I definitely prefer some character types to others, they’re all great!

What kinds of tools do you use in your customs work, including paints and brushes?
I use Citadel paints almost exclusively, with the exception of some colors that I can’t find in their paint range. I’m a big fan of Winsor and Newton brushes, but I’ll buy whatever brush seems right for the job. I also recently got an Iwata Eclipse airbrush that has completely changed my process.
What would people be surprised to learn about your customizing or collecting hobby?
I’m a little ashamed to admit this, but I don’t have anything displayed in my home. I simply don’t have the room. I’ve got everything in totes just waiting to be pulled out for a photo or temporary display. Other than that, I’d say I’m a pretty run-of-the-mill collector.
Any tips or suggestions for Mythic fans looking to start customizing?
A couple come to mind pretty quickly. First, if you’re thinking about getting into customizing, just do it already! I see so many people never put pen to paper for so many reasons. You’ll never know how good you can be unless you try! Second, prioritize investing in quality tools. Good paints and good brushes will do so much of the work for you. If you buy products you struggle to use, you will only frustrate yourself and stifle your creativity, and that would be tragic.
Final question - who is your favorite non-customized Mythic Legions figure?
I used to always say it was Gorgo, but I’ve come to the realization that it’s actually Scaphoid! Gorgo is still pretty close, but I can’t deny the appeal of those bright green bones and the saturated purple of his clothing. I also really love the sickly green-gold color of his armor.
Published on 06.29.21