Since it was first unveiled as the final teaser for LegionsCon 2020, Mythic fans have been buzzing about the expansion of the Realm of Mythoss into the world of gaming! Today marks an important step in the process of bringing the Mythic Legions Tactics game to life wth the launch of an intial crowdfunding campaign for this game! You can learn more about this exciting project at! Below is a conversation we had with the team behind this campaign and this game, providing a little insight into what you can expect from this new project!

First things first, why don’t you take a moment to introduce yourselves. What kinds of work has Great Hall Games Studio done over the years?
While we are a new studio, we all come from successful backgrounds in gaming, toy and entertainment companies. Our dev team in particular has worked with the likes of Microsoft, Sega and Ubisoft and have been part of releases for some very successful apps for Marvel and Paramount, among others. We have worked on games and digital apps since the beginning of the mobile app stores, and we’ve worked closely with Mattel and Lego on multiple properties in the past including Bionicle and Lego Star Wars. We’re gamers and toy lovers -- which is why we decided to start GHGS in the first place.
We’ve always felt like entertainment has evolved in such a way that a video game can be just as satisfying a story experience as a good book, movie, or even your favorite saturday morning cartoon show from back in the day. We founded the company on that concept - to tell engaging stories and create lasting experiences for players.
We want to bring Mythic Legions to life in this game the way He-Man and G.I. Joe were brought to life in our imaginations when we were kids.
How did you first get connected with Four Horsemen Studios?
Well we’re all toy geeks and collectors, so we have all been huge fans of The Four Horsemen for a long time. As luck would have it, a mutual friend of ours told us that The Horsemen were looking at ways to expand their storytelling on Mythic Legions. We immediately jumped at it, because it was perfectly aligned with what we wanted to do, and the types of properties and people we wanted to work with. We also felt gaming would be the perfect medium to not only tell the story, but also to let the fans engage with the property like no other medium could.
And the opportunity to work with the Horsemen was just too good to pass up. It was worth it for the meeting alone, you know?

How much did you know about Mythic Legions going into that first conversation?
Some of the team members have been huge Horsemen fans from all the way back in the McFarlane days. So Mythic Legions has been on our radar since the first crowdfunding campaign. We’ve watched the success of the line...but I don’t think we truly knew just HOW successful it was until we started working on the game. That’s when we started deep diving into the lore. From there we immediately became infatuated with the characters, the factions, the interwoven storylines and said we need to see this property come to life. It became a mission for us.
Understanding that you can only share so much, talk a little bit about the “behind the scenes” stuff that happened prior to the game’s teaser reveal at LegionsCon 2020.
You know, there’s so many things I’d like to say here, but we’d hate to spoil things. One thing we can say, though, is that it’s been pretty amazing working with the Horsemen on this project. We’ve been at it for over six months now, breaking down the story, the gameplay, and different ways we can allow the fans to have a voice in those decisions. It really has just been such a blast. Our team could work in Mythoss forever, and be completely content. It’s exciting.
How did you guys feel after the amazing response to the announcement of “Mythic Legions Tactics” at LegionsCon?
We were thrilled. We had an idea that the fans wanted to see more of this world come to life, and we were absolutely blown away by the passion and dedication that was shown over those 2 days. Then to hear the positive response only strengthened our belief that we are on to something great.

OK, looking forward, what can you tell us about the game itself?
We wanted to do a game that really spoke to the heart of Mythic Legions. So we decided on a strategy tactics game that will give fans the power to control factions while playing out a storyline of battles and challenges. And we also really wanted a game that delivered on the hallmark of the Mythic Legion’s experience - customization. Not only will you be able to customize the playable characters in the game itself, but we’re also going to involve the fans in customizing the overall storyline and structure of the game with fan voting. We know how special and important the fans are to the Horsemen, and we want this game to make it a truly Legionnaire community build.
Obviously, this game only happens if the fans get behind the project! What are you planning now for this initial crowdfunding period?
We have some amazing rewards in store for the Legionaires, including some rewards that will be exclusive only to this private crowdfunding campaign. We know how important it is to The Horsemen to make sure we reward the die-hard fans who will be supporting this next evolution of the property from the very beginning.
The campaign is full of rewards - the game itself, of course -- including a deluxe edition that will get you beta access, a digital OST, a digital art book, as well as an exclusive “Blue Mage” class that will only be available during this campaign.
We’re also introducing Sigil Coins that will be collectable metal coins featuring the logos of some of your favorite factions.
These coins actually play a role in the world of Mythoss that we’ll explain in more detail later. The first one is Xylona’s Flock...but if the campaign does well enough we may have some additional sigil coin options as stretch goals.

Every single person that backs the game is going to have a voice in how the game is shaped through fan voting and other things we have cooked up, but for those fans who want to take it to the next level, we also have two very cool ways to get into the game. Literally.
You can actually back at a level where your face can be made available as a character selection choice for players to use when they create their Legionnaires. If you go that route our digital sculptors will create a rendition of you based off of reference photos you send us, and you will be immortalized forever more as a face of Mythoss in the game.
And if you’re a customizer and want to take things even further, there’s a level where you can back the game and help us create a custom NPC. That NPC could have your face, or it could be a figure you’ve customized and painted - however you choose to do it, you’ll work with our team and with the Horsemen to write your character into an important event in the game.
There’s a lot more than that - especially if we get to stretch goals - but you’ll have to check out the campaign on Tuesday to see it all!
One Question I See Lots of People Asking is What Format/Platform Will This Game Be For?
It will be for PC and mobile (both iOS and Android) to start – but other platforms will be stretch goals!
Mythic Legions started with action figures, so the big question many people want to know is if there will be any figures offered as part of this campaign?
Of course! We worked very closely with The Horsemen on making sure we would have a special figure release to please the fans, especially one that is strong enough to follow the amazing Illithya release. So as part of the private campaign, we are including 4 builder packs - a male orc set, a female orc set, and both a male elf pack and a female elf builder pack.

We know builder packs on these types of figures are something the fans have been asking for and we think it’s a great fit for the private campaign. These figure packs may never be available again in this configuration - so don’t miss it!
Is there anything else fans should know about Mythic Legions Tactics and what’s to come?
With any luck, this is just the beginning of Mythic Legions in game form, but we cannot do it without your help. Our goal here is to make something that is truly reflective of the Mythic Legions community, and we want to make something you’re going to be proud of. We will be reading your comments in the Cabal, and eventually on our Discord server. We will always listen to constructive feedback, and we have big plans for the future with the game. The sky is the limit.

Published on 01.19.21