To get started, please introduce yourself!
I’m Noah Pratt and I love plastic. I am married and have two lovely and talented daughters. I live in the Wilds of the Northland (suburban Minnesota) where I work as a business representative by day and hide in my Lair (shop) painting action figures, building dioramas, shooting pictures, and fending off internet trolls by night. I also like to BBQ and create other gastro masterpieces
How did you first get introduced to Mythic Legions?
Although I did see lots of wickedly cool pictures on Insta (Sgt Bananas, One-Six Shooter etc), I think I can squarely lay the blame on a couple of people’s shoulders; Darias (D-Amazing) Prince and Bill (Dorklair) Drewnowski and their enabling- err… reviews. It took me a while to truly wrap my head around the preorder aspect, but as they say “once you get them in hand…” I fell hard. I’m relatively new to the world of Mythoss, but I’ve definitely been a fan of their work since their McFarlane days.
What have been your favorite Mythic Legions shots that you have taken so far?
I’d have to say one of my favorite shots was one of my earlier Legions photos, the one with the steel knight and the ogres running towards him. I feel that it tells a story and that’s important. Fun fact, I had this setup on my table for a while, but just wasn’t sold on any particular shot. I woke up the next morning, readjusted and found that the sun was reflecting perfectly on the sword!

What is your process for setting up a shot and going from idea to final image?
This is a great segue… Another one of my favorites is the one with Snagg skulking about, looking to nick something off of a silver dwarf. This shot was conceived after I built the diorama. I had envisioned someone peeking out from behind a pillar oriented in this particular layout. Snagg just happened to be the perfect character to play the part.
Sometimes it comes from a particular prop or diorama as I mentioned above. Sometimes it’s the way a certain character speaks to me, other times it starts with me just messing around and posing figures. Sometimes the idea comes out of nowhere and I just happen across a shot.
What are your favorite kinds of figures to shoot or preferred settings to shoot in?
My favorite figures to shoot are probably pretty obviously Mythic Legions although I do have a pretty extensive collection of other high-end figures such as Mezco One:12, ThreeA and many other domestic and import figures. My favorite Legions to shoot are anything Bad a** like barbarians, orcs, knights and goblins. However, some of my favorite photos are more “sensitive” like my “Noble Bears” photo where Attlus is seen bonding with his avatar the great and noble grizzly bear (which I got from Anthony Velez of Noble Bear Customs and painted myself).

As far as settings, I prefer using natural lighting as often as possible. I’ve got a perfect spot in my house where we have skylights and lots of windows, we refer to it as “the sun room”. On my DSLR, I use different lenses for different applications, but I definitely have a soft spot for my Macro. I always shoot using manual settings and in RAW format.
In addition to photographing Legions, you have also done a number of custom figures. How did you get into that?
I’d be lying if I said “Mythic Customs” wasn’t a huge motivator for me. Seeing all of Jeremy’s amazing pieces and the way he goes over helpful tips and tricks was a huge boost of confidence. There are such great 3rd party companies with extremely talented artists, that helped me take the leap as well. Some of my biggest inspirations include, Eric Miller, Emil Wickman, Dennis Derby, Nikki Nicole Chaney, Jovanny Blyden to name a few, the list goes on and on…
What are your favorite kinds of Mythic Legions customs to do?
Similar to my earlier answer about photos, I like the barbarians, orcs, knights, goblins and the occasional vampire. One of my favorite orcs I’ve done was the “blue steel orc” with the “Planetary Dogs Toys” head and torso. This custom was started with that specific finish/effect in mind for his armor. Another favorite of mine uses a different PDT head sculpt, the super cool bearded “Waltor the Mad” sculpted by the amazing Seba Dom, and became the “Kringle” custom which was a collaboration with several artists. The head, as I mentioned was from PDT, the weapons (Jingle Bell flail, Candy Cane of Pain, and Yule log cudgel) were designed and painted by the very talented Stephan Delatour (Dtour Customs). His cloak was made by a very special member of the Strupp family, Aubrey (Strupp Family Crafts).
You are also a diorama creator, correct?
Yes sir. It all started as a kid, playing with toys and playsets. I never really had too many pieces, but I had a healthy imagination, and that turned out to be even better. I started building dioramas as an adult around the winter of 2018. A huge inspiration for me was the videos Alex Saavedra posted on his “Al Figures” YouTube page. If anyone is looking to get into this hobby, I usually point them in his, or any of the other talented creators’ direction
What is your process for creation custom diorama pieces?
I will almost always start with a concept sketch followed by a detailed layout on graphing paper. Most all of my builds are of pink foam construction. I use my hot wire table religiously, it keeps everything straight and smooth. I glue everything together using hot glue or tacky glue, and try to make everything modular using magnets and friction fit when possible. Then it’s on to texturing followed by paints. I paint everything in multiple layers to build depth and manipulate textures. I’m a huge fan of washes and dry brushing.
What would fans of your work be surprised to learn?
I’ve been a union pile driver since 2006. Part of that job description is welding and fabrication. I’ve actually built many different things. In the field, as well as in my shop, if I don’t have a certain tool or if it doesn’t exist, I make one myself.
Also, asking someone named Noah about his ark is not as funny as you think it is.
As for the toys themselves, what are your favorite Mythic Legions figures so far?
I got in to collecting this line relatively late, so I had to play catch-up for some of the older beauties. From what has been released as of today, I’d have to say “The Blood Armor” is one of my favorites. Another is definitely the original Gorgo Aetherblade I got in trade from CB. I was so happy to get it, I couldn’t bring myself to open him (which is uncommon for me). So I ended up getting another, haha. The 1.0 deluxe barbarian builder is another one of my favorites, not only for the pop-and-swap custom possibilities, but it’s just an all around awesome looking figure. And for honorable mention, two of the more recent Arethyr wave entries, Red Shield Soldier and Magnus are two extremely cool knights. I’m excited about all of the new parts!
In closing, where can fans follow you and see more of your work?
My handle is Anything’s Posable
You can find me on Instagram at Instagram.com/AnythingsPosable and on Facebook at Facebook.com/AnythingsPosable
Shout out to my Legions Con Crew aka the Mythic Enablers!

Published on 05.03.22