Calavius - Mythic Legions action figure from Four Horsemen Studios


Character Details

  • Faction: House of the Noble Bear
  • Race: Human
  • Role: Gladiator

Toy Details

  • Released In: Advent of Decay
  • Accessories: Trident, round shield with handle, sword, halberd
  • Additional Heads: Yes - gladiator helmet and "Gorgo-style" helmet, with black horn attachements


Once the most decorated Mercurian gladiator in history, Calavius was promised his freedom from competition after his one hundredth straight victory. That victory came and went, but the promise was not honored. With hope lost, a fury was born in Calavius that led him to revolt. The revolt dawned, as fate would have it, when Calavius met Attlus, a recently captured gladiator. Together they led the rebellion that destroyed Mercurios’  gladiatorial games and the ancient colosseum that housed them. When the allies met again years later, it was no surprise that Calavius quickly joined his old friend Attlus the Conquerer in a fight with greater stakes than either of them could have imagined.