Battle Axe
This weapon was first released in the first Mythic Legions wave. It can be converted from a single sided weapon to two-sided. It was available in the "good" and "evil" weapons packs, as well as with the following figures:
- Adamonn
- Asterionn
- Attila Leossyr
- Attlus the Conquerer
- Barbarian Builder set
- Bothar Shadowhorn
- Bronze Dwarf Legion Builder
- Bubotros
- Gold Skeleton Legion Builder
- Gorgo Aetherblade
- Gorgo Aetherblade 2
- Knight Builder set 1
- Knight Builder set 2
- Mallatard the Duck
- Malleus x2
- Orc Legion Builder
- Orn Steelhide
- Osperus
- Otho
- Silver Dwarf Legion Builder
- Sir Galeron
- Skeleton Legion Builder
- Thord Ironjaw
- Urkku
- Urzokk
- Vorgus Vermillius