Wasteland Survival Set - Cosmic Legions action figure from Four Horsemen Studios

Wasteland Survival Set

Subject Information

  • Name - Common Use: Wasteland Survival Set
  • Name - Full: Wasteland Survival Set
  • Race: N/A
  • Affiliation: N/A
  • Planet of Origin: N/A

Toy Details

  • Released In: OxKrewe - Book Two, Harrow Zone
  • Accessories: N/A
  • Additional Heads: N/A

Gathered Intelligence on this Subject:

This accessory and diorama set includes items that can be used to outfit wasteland strangers looking to survive on Planet Thraxxon! This set includes:

  • Large crate (with opening lid)
  • Small crate (with opening lid)
  • 1 tube
  • Antenna 
  • Flashlight
  • Binoculars
  • Bolt cutters

All photos by Trevor Williams