Magic has had a place in the Realm of Mythoss since the very beginning, with the introduction of the dwarven mage, Jorund Runeshaper, in the Kickstarter-funded first Mythic Legions wave. Over the years, more details on the magic of the Realm have been revealed, and the recently unveiled Poxxus wave has allowed magic to really take center stage. In this “Lore of the Realm” article, which is a new category of content here on, we will explore the intricacies and mysteries of the magic of Mythoss, starting with the powers wielded by the heroic protectors of the Realm.
The Convocation of Bassylia
The primary heroic faction where magic is a central component is the Convocation of Bassylia. According to details of this heroic faction:
Masters of the magical arts, these warriors were assembled to combat the evil that lies at the very center of the Circle of Poxxus. The Convocation are the most mysterious of all heroic armies, and they are sometimes feared by the very ones they seek to protect.
As we have already mentioned, the first magic wielder we saw in Mythic Legions was from this faction in the character of Jorund Runeshaper. According to the dwarven mage’s bio:
One of the mysterious magic wielders from the Evergray Mountains, Jorund Runeshaper is a great harnesser of the natural elements. While Dwarves are not typically known for learning the magical arts, Jorund showed great promise from a very young age. Wizened and hardened by years of conflict, he is not only a powerful warrior, but also a mentor and a guiding voice to his allies.

We would meet more members of this magical faction in the Advent of Decay wave, including the leader of this faction – Herra Serpenspire:
As the high priestess and arch-mage of the Convocation of Bassylia, Herra Serpenspire is as enigmatic as the faction she leads. A guild dedicated to suppressing the Circle of Poxxus, the Convocation’s powerful and ancient magic is mysterious and frightening to both good and evil alike. Despite Herra’s stoic demeanor and intimidating presence, her compassion and empathy form the foundation her faction is built upon. Possessed of mystical powers that are possibly greater than those of any other living being, Herra Serpenspire is one of the most powerful allies in the fight against evil.

One interesting note on these two magic users is that they represent different aspects of magic. Jorund is listed as a “mage”, while Herra is a “sorceress”. We would see other disciplines introduced along the way, but first we would see another mage in the Jaguallian named B’alam:
With direct ties to the great beasts of the first age, B’alam has ancient magic coursing through his veins. Coupled with the ability to speak to and harness the power of the animals around him, his powers are as all-encompassing and diverse as the wildlife of Mythoss itself. Along with Jorund Runeshaper and the high council of Bassylia, B’alam has been instrumental in building the ever-growing mystical force that emanates from a magical stronghold high atop the Evergray Mountains.
The mysterious Azza Spiritbender was the first “necromancer” we saw in Mythic Legions. While many fans mistakenly assumed Azza was a shadow elf, her actual race is a mystery, as is so much else about her.
Like most members of The Convocation of Bassylia, Azza Spiritbender is shrouded in mystery. Her power to control and harness the spirits of the dead not only makes her a dangerous asset, but also an anomaly in The Convocation where all forms of necromancy are generally frowned upon. Even her closest allies are at a loss as to her origins, as to where she learned her magic, or the meanings behind the cryptic markings that cover her skin. One thing that Convocation members are most certain of is that they are better off with Azza as an ally rather than an enemy.
So between just these first few characters we have revealed, we not only see different disciplines of magic, but also wildly different powers wielded by them. Jorund can control the elements, while B’alam’s powers are connected to animal life. Azza Spiritbender uses her powers to harness the spirits of the dead, while the faction’s leader, Herra, wields mystical powers that are “possibly greater than those of any other living being.” This type of variety and power in the magic of the Realm, and in those who align under the banner of Bassylia, makes it understandable why the other factions, including their heroic allies, sometimes fear these magically adept individuals.
The final magical character released in the Advent of Decay wave, and a very special figure in how she was created, is the relic hunter named Ravaena. This figure was designed by the fans through the FANtastic Exclusive voting process that we ran during the Kickstarter campaign.
The only survivor of an attack on her small village by Vorgus Vermillius, the vampiric wearer of the Blood Armor, Ravaena was taken in as a young child by a sect loyal to the Order of Eathyron and trained as a cleric. Vowing vengeance against the Blood Armor and willing to use controversial means to obtain the relics she believes she needs to defeat it, she was ultimately exiled from the order. She later became a member of the Convocation of Bassylia, where she continues her quest undeterred.
So once again, we see a new magical discipline in the form of the line’s first cleric! Her backstory actually places her as a one time member of the Order of Eathyron who has since been exiled, and who has now found a home in the Convocation where she continues a quest against the Blood Armor.
So by the time we get to the Advent of Decay wave, we are already seeing multiple forms of magic and different sources of power. This would be greatly expanded upon in future waves!
An Explosion of Magic
The introduction of the Poxxus wave gave us many new members of this dark faction, but it also introduced heroic protectors from the Convocation of Bassylia who align against that darkness!
The spellcaster Zende Amaanthyr is a teacher who helps train other magically-adept members of his faction. According to his bio:
Hailing from mysterious lands beyond the shores of Mythoss, Zende Amaanthyr was sent by his guild to assist Herra Serpenspire and The Convocation of Bassylia in their efforts to quell the rising power of Poxxus. Bringing with him an extensive array of archaic incantations, Zende has dedicated himself to the Magi of Bassylia as a teacher of spellcasting and a soldier to their cause. As someone who has suffered great personal loss at the hands of Poxxus’ zealots, Zende is all too aware of the stakes of this deadly fight.
While the introduction of this teacher character is important in establishing that at least some members of this faction are not simply born with their powers, but need to learn them, it is also interesting to read that Zende hails from a land “beyond the shores of Mythoss.” This single line expands the world of Mythic Legions beyond the known map and makes one wonder what else is out there that we have yet to discover.
The concept of "learning" is expanded on in the story of the wizard Samir Scrollwarder.
Keeper of the great library of Agbendor, Samir Scrollwarder is a wizard as renowned for his inexhaustible knowledge as he is for his bountiful magical powers. After spending much of his life studying the books and scrolls of Agbendor, Samir has learned the secret ways of mages that span the entire history of Mythoss. Although his primary charge is to serve as protector of the invaluable texts of Agbendor, Samir Scrollwarder is a formidable warrior in the struggle to contain Poxxus and his evil servants.
This text introduces us to a new location, which is seemingly very important in the world of Mythoss magic – the great library of Agbendor. One can imagine this vast library of magical tomes being important to the Convocation and to the education of these magical protectors.
For a very different kind of magic, and from an unexpected source, we next turn to the orc shaman, Tharnog.
As an intermediary between the mortal and spirit worlds, the Orc Shaman Tharnog’s power is obtained from arcane knowledge gained from the realm beyond. In his younger days, his mystical skills were brandished as part of Queen Urkzaa’s quiet resistance against the Orcs’ servitude to The Legions of Arethyr. Inspired by Urkzaa’s honorable intentions, Tharnog relocated himself and offered to wield his gifts for a righteous fight alongside Herra Serpenspire and The Convocation of Bassylia.
While the orc race are normally counted amongst the evil armies of the Realm, it is interesting to see Tharnog aligned against that evil, and it is also interesting to hear about his connection to the spirit realm. We saw that earlier in the powers of the necromancer, Azza Spiritbender. Tharnog’s shamanistic discipline are certainly different than Azza’s abilities, yet it is not inappropriate to say that their abilities do have similarities. We are sure they have compared notes at some point in those vast halls of Agbendor.
While we see time and again in the Convocation of Bassylia how study and education play a role in the development and mastery of the magical arts, there are also members of the faction who have more a natural affinity to it. One such warrior is the towering Dragosyr named Aracagorr.
Over the centuries there have been countless subraces and offshoots of Dragons, with the Dragosyr being the most renowned. Like their Dragon cousins, these mystical beings have close ties to otherworldly energies which often steer these towering warriors toward magical practices. Like many of his noble brethren before him, the valiant champion Aracagorr has pledged his fiery sword to the Convocation of Bassylia in hopes of eradicating the threat of Poxxus.
While this bio doesn’t directly mention magic, it does reference the “fiery sword” that this paladin wields – a weapon that clearly is imbued with magical abilities!

Other Heroic Wielders of Magic
While the Convocation of Bassylia is the primary heroic faction who uses magic in their quest to protect the Realm, magic is not exclusive to them. As we look at the other heroic factions of Mythoss, we find a number of other magically gifted warriors amongst their ranks as well.
First off we should consider the elves of Xylona’s Flock. While there is no specific mention of magic in the bios presented for Artymss Silverchord, Lord Aydon, Lord Bardric, or Thallyn Frostbow, we can assume that the Fae nature of these individuals grants them some level of inherent magic.
One elf whose bio does mention magic is the Whisperling known as Myria Goldenbranch. According to her bio:
The Elves of Whispervale, or “Whisperlings” are one of the most elusive of all of the Elven sub-races. In addition to their common Elvish abilities such as agelessness and heightened dexterity and speed, the Whisperlings are remarkably proficient in the use of an arcane magic that harnesses the power of the trees around them.

So this details a type of natural magic that is connected to the trees and nature. This idea is expanded upon in the bio for another member of Xylona’s Flock – the Forest Elemental, Faunus.
A powerful elemental warrior able to harness primal forest magic, Faunus has the ability to manipulate the tree-born structure of the castle exterior for added defense.
So again here we discover a heroic character whose magical abilities are inherent to their race, and which are closely tied into the natural world. We are seeing here how the magic of Xylona's Flock differs so greatly from that found in the library and halls where Bassylia's followers study.

The final magical member of Xylona’s Flock we have met is the Satyr, Krotos. While many of the characters we have featured so far use their powers for attack or defense, Krotos is unique so far in that they are focused on healing.
Brimming with mysterious archaic magic and an unmatched connection to the landscape of Xylonia, The Harvest Court of Ambyrrion boasts some of the more eclectic warriors and uniquely skilled members of Xylona’s Flock. Krotos is no exception. By channeling the skill and knowledge of his ancestors, he is a powerful healer of great renown. Although often at odds with his natural tendency toward a surly demeanor and a short temper, it is Krotos’ compassion and empathy as a healer which truly defines him.
This information details not only Krotos’ powers, but it again reinforces the nature magic that can be found throughout Xylona’s Flock.
While the remaining heroic factions do not feature the same level of learned or inherent magic seen in the those who follow Bassylia and Xylona, there are certainly still examples to be found in the Order of Eathyron and the Army of Leodysseus.
The Order of Eathyron counts the powerful angelic warrior, Gadriel, amongst its ranks. While no longer able to call the golden city Cirrus home, it is clear that this battle-hardened warrior is still a force to be feared for those who seek to do evil. While her angelic powers may not be truly “magic” in the sense that we have seen in other characters, it is certainly appropriate to consider her in this conversation.
In the Army of Leodysseus we find the warrior cleric, Faustia, and her biography details not only her place in this faction, but how the faction itself uses magic in their mission:
Although the Army of Leodysseus is considered the military arm of the Legions of Light, they appreciate the importance of the clerics and mages within their ranks. Faustia is the Army’s Chief Cleric and a close advisor to Attila Leossyr. While most clerics try to find balance between magic and sword, Faustia’s unusually fierce demeanor befits the Army of Leodysseus. Faustia’s unique style of combative magic makes her a deadly and trusted ally to Attila and his cause.
This mention of “combative magic” is very different from what we read in the bios for the natural-magic focused members of Xylona’s Flock or the studious Convocation of Bassylia, but this variety of skills and powers may end up being one of the things that the heroic factions need to survive the terrible attacks that are aligned against them in the evil factions of the Realm.
Another question to consider is where do these non-Bassylia members learn their powers if the schools of magic are maintained by the Convocation? It is fair to say that some of the magic users in the heroic factions learn to wield their abilities at the Tower of Bassylia before taking that knowledge back to their own forces and factions.

In Closing
Magic is clearly a potent weapon in the defense of the Realm of Mythoss. It is wielded by members of every heroic faction, and those who control these powers have an awesome responsibility in standing directly against the dark wizards, summoners, and sorcerers who make up the ranks of the evil factions. In our next “Lore of Mythoss” article, we will explore those dark corners of magic and see how the evil side wields the arcane arts.
Published on 12.07.21