Aphareus - Mythic Legions action figure from Four Horsemen Studios


Character Details

  • Faction: Xylona's Flock
  • Race: Centaur
  • Role: Stable Lord

Toy Details

  • Released In: Illythia
  • Accessories: Long bow, quiver, trident, long Elven sword
  • Additional Heads: No


Mighty and mysterious, the illusive Centaurs of Ambyrrion are just as notable for their sheer power as they are for their connection to the creatures of the realm. A boisterous and lively soul, Aphareus the stable lord of The Harvest Court is responsible for training the horses and great steeds of Xylonia. It was Aphareus, in fact, who trained the fabled steed Alder that Lord Bardric sent as a gift to Artemyss Silverchord as a symbol of his people’s fealty.

Photos by Trevor Williams